Baralan International Group is a dynamic and flexible organization able to operate worldwide through its agents and branches. The holding company is Baralan International S.p.a. which owns the following companies.



Baralan is present in the United States as Baralan USA Inc. (Arrowpak Inc.), a fully controlled US Corporation, with offices and warehouses in New York and California and a commercial office in Florida. For further information on Arrowpak:


Baralan Group is present in China with Baralan Shanghai Ltd. with office and warehouse in the Chinese territory. The mission of this new company is from one side to guarantee a direct control of the Groups supply chain from China and at the same time to commercialize there Baralan packaging. For further information on Baralan in China:



Founded in 1977 Labor Plast S.r.l., production site of Baralan Group, is equipped with state of the art injection molding technologies to guaranteeto the Group the supply of the majority of the plastic components. Besides the traditional molding machines, Labor Plast also performs productions with bi-injection technology, presently used on customized products. Thanks to an in house technical department, moulds manufacturing, important investments in automation and decorating equipments, Labor Plast produces at a high quality level with competitive prices. For further information on Labor Plast:



Gloss Tech, established in 1993, is the company within the Group specialized in the varnishing of glass and plastic components. Among the various treatments which Gloss Tech offers there are metallization,  lacquering, soft touch on top of an extensive variety of surface treatments all functional to create exclusive and elegant standard products. Its structure allows flexible productions of both small and large quantities, always with the high quality levels, typical of the Group. Among its priorities the particular attention towards the environment stands out driving the company to make important investments both in the air treatment as well as in the choice of raw materials and machinery used in the various processes. For further information on Gloss Tech:

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